I would like to share with the you a set of slides that I used in my presentation in the Seed Summit sponsored by the Bureau of Plant Industry and the Philippine Seed Industry Association last March 27, 2012. (download it here) My topic was about Organic Seed Production. Many players in the seed industry are curious what really are the criteria for organic seed, and why this is important in organic crop production.

The answer to the why question can be made easier and comprehensible if the discussion is brought to quantum level, or to the realm of subtle energies and forces. The seed, although quite far back in the total production process, would be the one to bring holistic change to the entire system. The question is, would knowing the value and science behind organic seed be enough for the key players to embrace organic? What should be the drivers of change? What would be needed so that the intention and will become action?

Please send in your comments and suggestions, to help nourish the seedling of transformation that has been planted in the hearts of people asking for change. Thank you.