The basic needs for human sustenance such as food, clothing, shelter and health etc. depend directly or indirectly on
farming and associated activities. The economy of a developing country like India is broadly based on agriculture.
The farming sector almost contributes 26% of the national production, and 64% of the population in the country depends upon
agriculture for their livelihood. India has been primarily regarded as ‘An Agriculture Economy’. There are many countries in the world where farming activities are either undeveloped or underdeveloped. These countries
depend upon the imports of Agricultural produce ancient to present time or from death to birth, it has greater contribution
in the human life.
The Rural Development Wing of the Rajyoga Education and Research foundation, the sister institution of Prajapita
Brahmakumari Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya , has been bringing awareness about the Sustainable Yogic Agriculture Project among
the farmer brothers and sisters for over three years. Many Rajayogi farmer brothers and sisters of Maharastra and Gujrat
(states of India) which are in touch with this Vishwa Vidyalaya (University) have applied the powers of Rajayoga Meditation
to their farming process. They have also evolved newer and innovative methods and techniques of preparing organic
fertilizer on their own and have used them in their farming. They have succeeded in getting better crop output at lesser
costs. It is a novel step towards bringing a new era, the golden era on earth.
Societal Threefolding, Presencing… these are tools or techniques to achieve quantum leap or do quantum change. Sustainable societal change must be animated by a critical mass of enlightened committed citizens. That is the basis of the Liwanag World Festival that happened last 29th Jan to 2nd Feb 2013, in Davao City, which is part of the island of Mindanao. The festival aimed to let the special light from the Philippines and other parts of the globe be seen by the whole world… light from the Philippines, being collectively lit by imaginals or individuals who have a vision of the future and are connected to their special life task (purpose) and are doing strategic projects in society. MISSION of Imaginals is spearheading events like the Liwanag. To get a glimpse of the event one may visit the website of Liwanag, or view some photos of the Liwanag event which I put together for sharing and memory aid. Select individuals who live in, or have at one point lived in Mt Makiling (or are doing something elsewhere but are connected to Mt Makiling initiatives), have been presented at the Festival through an exhibit. Special feature is on the visionary (Flor Pablo) who is in touch with spiritual teachers or guardians; her mission is described in a set of slides. In the same event I also described my own “quantum” initiative.
Here are some videos to give one an idea about the Liwanag event.
Hello dear friends and Agnihotra partners. After long incubation time, here is the 10th issue of the Agnihotra Phillipines Forum/newsletter. Hope you will have the chance to read it and give feedback. Maybe even rekindle the interest, esp for those who have, for some reason, set the practice aside. There are some developments which might greatly interest you, as we have somehow entered into a different realm, retracing the ancient roots of Filipino spirituality and its global significance. Enjoy and hear from you soon!
Warmest regards,
“The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature – J Campbell… and Agnihotra can help in this realignment!!!
Om Tryambakam at home
Recent revelations about agnihotra through the ancient Filipno script:
Above is about Agnihotra mantra body movements and in Filipino version, written in Baibayin.
More revelations below, specifically on what is agnihotra (the meaning may be read in the newsletter below):
Agnihotra Philippines Forum 10
October 2012
Hello my dear Agni friends,
Greetings! It has been two years since the last issue (August 2010), and 5 years since my first practice of agnihotra (March 2007). I continue to do the “agni” daily at sunrise and sunset, with occasional Om Tryambakam (a more advanced practice), while a number of practitioners in the country are already doing it more regularly. No one yet in the country, to my knowledge, has set-up resonance points (consist of agnihora pyramids strategically installed at the outlines of one’s area to further spread or increase the benefits of the “agnihotra power” beyond the usual reach, much like the resonance effect of tuning forks. On the other hand, many who got a pyramid pot have left the practice or are still to actualize their intention of doing agnihotra. Ingredients are limiting to some… but where there is the supply or capacity to get them, there are other reasons… the will still awaits the doing, the push has yet to happen… the interest reawakened… the commitment refueled.
I really hope that we give agnihotra a chance to help us. It is very simple and easy. It is only a ten minute practice each sunrise and sunset. It gives us multifunctional benefits. We do a quantum leap in healing, earth repair, etc. The words of some thinkers and philosophers, that “Agnihotra and Homa Therapy is our Last Chance”, is now ringing loudly. The year 2012 awaits people who can collectively and quantumly do earth healing. And if we believe that we ought to do our share in the healing movement, agnihotra is a good start; take a look. It is first among the Five-Fold Path… continue reading here.
Organic Quantum Food
My interest in Quantum Agriculture naturally extends to food. To be holistic, we should care about what we eat, and how we eat… Below are my thoughts that further give light to my food interest:
1. Organic food may still be not sustainable… it may still not help improve the lot of the bigger group. It may also just reside in the level of safety and material nourishment. Organic food that are certified or labelled as such are also mostly expensive or imported. There is even a question as to how authentically organic they are.
2. Food is our medicine. “Quantumized” food will effect quantumized healing (see the powerpoint prepared on Quantum Food). There are many who are sick and seek solutions that deal only with symptoms or which exclude transformation in lifestyle and ways of thinking.
3. Quantum food spiritualizes the human being. Only a strong united front of spiritual (conscious) and committed people can change the world. Food impacts on the thinking, feeling and willing-doing. Rudolf Steiner contends that the future of mankind hinges on nutrition and here food with high life force is the key. Such food translates to higher consciousness, to higher discernment, and to and increased or a developed WILL. And is it not that the problem of our society these days is basically lack of consciousness and a lame will power?
4. Food is key in societal transformation. Victor Landa says this: By the Spiritual Food for the New Millennium initiative we are trying to convey that through Biodynamic Agriculture we are feeding the physical and the spiritual bodies of both man and the planet.
I wrote an article on ”Quantum Food” for a presentation in the university in 2008 (click here to download). The accompanying “Quantum Organic Food” presentation (slides in powerpoint) has morphed through the years and may be viewed here. I variously use it to explain what that kind of food that is needed for a quantum leap in societal transformation.
My food journey has been helped by advanced-soul friends and their sharing or talks/seminars which dwell on raw food, organic food, quantumized food, etc. Let me share some with you…
Judy Barber ( has inspired me to deepen my understanding and practice some of her teachings on raw food. A transcription of a workshop session with her on “Raw and Living Food” may be read here.
Ursula Schloer is a friend who continues to shower me with her thoughts and finds about subtle energies. She introduced me to the realm of raw food. My notes during a visit with her and on various talks that she delivered, as well as articles that she wrote, may be read here… the titles of the four articles are:
I also included here my notes on a session in 2005 with another food and alternative medicine teacher-practitioner, Boy Ortilla (click here to read).
Anthroposophy and the works of its founder, Dr. Rudolf Steiner has given me the backbone and meat of my scientific exploration on food. Here are some articles that could further deepen one’s understanding on matters that relate to food:
1. Problems of Nutrition. A Lecture By Rudolf Steiner. Munich, January 8, 1909
2. Nutrition and Health. Lecture I: Nutrition and Health
… and a few quotes related to food, nutrition and their link to agriculture, and especially to Spirituality and Food:
“ The following passage taken from the preface of the book, Agriculture, by Rudolf Steiner is very enlightening concerning the transcendental aspect of properly grown food. A challenging question posed by Ehrenfried Pfeiffer to him was: “How can it happen that the spiritual impulse, and especially the inner schooling, for which you are constantly providing stimulus and guidance bear so little fruit? Why do the people concerned give so little evidence of spiritual experience, in spite of all their efforts? Why, worst of all, is the will for action, for the carrying out of these spiritual impulses so weak?”….. He goes on to say, “I was particularly anxious to get an answer to the question as to how one could build a bridge to active participation and the carrying out of spiritual intentions, without being pulled off the right path by personal ambition, illusions and petty jealousies, for these were the negative qualities Rudolf Steiner had named as the main inner hindrances.” (emphasis added)
Biodynamic farming and ayurvedic farming: ”THIS IS A PROBLEM OF NUTRITION…” was the astonishing reply that Dr. Rudolf Steiner gave to Ehrenfried Pfeiffer when he asked why is it that your followers to whom you give so much spiritual impulse seem to be having so little spiritual growth. He continues:
This quote from the inspiring lectures of Dr. Steiner published in the book “Agriculture” speaks very clearly of the role of Biodynamic farming in the process of human and planetary evolution.
The following article is an interpretation of Dr. Steiner’s message to the Biodynamic farmer as seen by one who is totally new to the area of farming and is extremely impressed by the scope and depth of the farmer’s role in a spiritual process.
Dr. Steiner reminds us of the need for meditation. It seems but natural, then, that the farm becomes a learning center for the spiritual truth of man. Victor Landa October 1997
Why Spiritual Food
Diet being one of the important elements in the practice of yoga, we were led to search for good quality food. The role of the process of growing the food was important to make the choice, which was not difficult once we found the form of agriculture offered by Rudolf Steiner. This form of agriculture not only ensures extraordinary nutritional value from a physical point of view– that means mineral and vitamin content, etc. –but nutritional value from a spiritual perspective, since it includes the integration of positive, subtle cosmic and human forces. Additionally, the farmers practicing this form of agriculture, at the time when we started our search, were joined in a cohesive manner by a common denominator: the teachings of Anthroposophy, a Spiritual Science, as defined by Rudolf Steiner, the founder of this school of thought. The method was not meant to be exclusive; the proof is that nowadays it is practiced all over the world by farmers and individuals that have come to the realization of the great benefits that it brings for humans and the planet as a whole, since its emphasis is on healing the soil. Our admiration was expressed in writing in Biodynamic Farmer: Backbone of a Spiritual (R)evolution, published in 1997. As we approached the organization that groups the farmers in the USA, we found our capacities could contribute to the effort of supporting this form of agriculture, threatened by the commercial “all for profit” tendency increasingly dominating this field of human activity with nefarious consequences for the health of human beings and the planet… That is when A Plan of Action was designed, that gave birth to Spiritual Food for the New Millennium, which represents a commitment to develop a concerted effort to support the movement by offering a venue to facilitate the contact between farmers and users. The potential that this symbiosis had to contribute to bring peace to the planet is described in Peaceful (R)evolution, which details how food grown in this manner, with positive subtle forces, enhances the natural spiritual nature of man in his search for inner peace. This special food, then, is the ideal support for the practice of Yoga that leads us to the attainment of self-realization, or perfect inner peace… Articles published in Pathways magazine report the coming to light of the project. The Spiritual Food for the New Millennium article explains the importance of this form of agriculture. The article “Eating: A Spiritual Practice” explains how food has such an important impact on our process of spiritual growth. Finally “Forces of Life Within You” covers the potential to bring about a societal transformation, by going back to the root of societal organization—“agriculture”—land stewardship, and the responsibility and possibilities that are open to us as human beings endowed with reasoning capacity and free will. It is a clear exposition of what we can do within our means (as ordinary folks, busy with everyday life activities) to bring about a transformation towards the positive… Further work in this area led us to realize that the number of farms that were strictly following Rudolf Steiner’s guidelines could not provide the whole spectrum of food that was needed. Another important step was then taken: to establish a classification system that would allow us to evaluate farms that– while not following strictly, or all of, Rudolf Steiner’s recommendations; or having introduced variations that could mean enhancement; or using alternative approaches, but maintaining the same principles–were still delivering quality produce, preserving the environment, and healing the soil. The result of this was Spiritual Farms. Farm classification gives more detailed information about the procedures used to classify the farms.
On raw food and Steiner
Raw foods contain the sunlight energies that are stored in their tissues through the process of photosynthesis. He believed that the spiritual progress of humanity as a whole would be enhanced by a progressive increase in a vegetarian eating pattern. Conversely, he felt that a meat/flesh eating diet would exert a negative influence regarding an interest in spiritual life. According to Steiner, plants supply us with their store of the outer light of the sun, which stimulates our INNER light during the process of assimilation. The light released by the plant world helps to stimulate, form and maintain our nervous system. In this way, the taking in of plant food makes a cyclic connection of our inner light with the outer light of the solar system and plant world… This is a common belief in the practice of Anthroposophical medicine. Steiner said “Nothing clouds the nervous system when nourishment comes from the plant realm. Humanity can more easily delve into the cosmic interrelationships which take place beyond the constricted limitation of the mundane personality.”… According to Dr. Gabriel Cousens, “A strong solar resonance field promotes the evolution of humanity to reach our full potential as human ‘sun beings’. Light supports evolution, and a lack of photons in our bodies hinders it. Light and consciousness are interconnected. Rudolf Steiner taught that the release of the outer light into our systems stimulates the release of an equal amount of inner light within ourselves. The more we increase our ability to absorb and assimilate light, the more conscious we become. The more we transform ourselves by enhancing our absorption of light, the more we become that light.” ~ Source: Conscious Eating
Quantum Agriculture is about sacred geometry or formative force. Without such organizing or life force, we would have nothing. Such force is derived from the “information” realm, turned into “energy” then into substance or matter. I got inspired by the book “A Beginner’s Guide to Constructing the Universe. The Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art and Science” by Michael Schneider. HarperCollins Publisher, NY, 1995. It presented Math so beautifully and clearly. If only this is used as resource in the mainstream education curriculum. I learned about the book in my searching for Waldorf books for our daughter. Quotes have power; they also inspire and illuminate. It is in that light that I put them together and share here . There is a lot of inspiring information and truths one may obtain from the quotes alone. The book is left and right brain combined… a good way to integrate art into natural science and other fields. Visit this site for more info or related materials: . This too. Free download here:
Nature’s sacred geometry may be gleaned from patterns of growths and shapes of everything on earth. Here is a short video that gives us the math and geometry of nature- “Nature by Numbers”:
Sacred Geometry and the Heart
I did a deeper dive into Sacred Geometry after I attended a highly inspiring workshop-lecture given by Frank Chester (
He talked about the heart and the 7-sided figure that he discovered (heptahedron which he calls the chestahedron) and which relates to the shape and function of the heart, the earth, the sensing abilities of animals and many more. Such figure may be transformed so that a quantum cleansing of water may be achieved (not by mere filtration but through subtle energy process of transubstantiation), through the chestahedron vortex generator. Some sites to visit on this subject are:
“The Fifth Chamber of the Heart” is an intriguing article which says that the heart is developing a new capacity… and that is to sense the etheric realm… Frank Chester expounded on this here .
If you wish to read my notes from that lecture, click here. I also prepared a powerpoint on the subject for the MISSION group who at that time will host him in Cebu, and for my classes (click here).
Another person who is much into the heart and sacred geometry is Gregg Braden. Watch for example the video about the heart, its resonance with world processes, and the Field: Ancient Understanding of the Heart Field Gregg Braden -
A friendof mine (Jean D) reacted to this video this way: It just resonates so loudly in me inasmuch as presently I’ve been reading and practicing what Dr. Alex Loyd called as “The Healing Code.” I just bought his book and what he says jibes with the role of quantum energy in the field of medicine. Solomon, the wise man from the Old Testament said in Proverbs 4:23 – “Guard your heart above all else, for out of it are the issues of life” and Prof. William Tiller of Stanford University said “future medicine will be based on controlling energy in the body.” The Healing Code as a means of healing what ails us is a healing of the heart issues, first and foremost before physical healing takes place. Braden is right and proven too by this Healing Code that “when the heart and the head conflict, the winner is the heart.”
Then I found this quote from the site of Jeff Andrews: ”The study of geometry, which descends to us from Pythagoras, is a meditation on the harmony of the cosmic order, and it is a meditation upon music. If you meditate upon geometry instead of just learning it in a linear way, you can actually hear the music of the spheres, because the geometric forms will key the eye and the ear to the inner sound. Every line that you draw,…you have the carryover from the spiritual octaves to the physical …. So geometry, and mathematics and calculus, make the transition from the concrete to the non-concrete. It is one of the highest studies that anyone can pursue. In fact, whenever I study these fields I am so impressed by the scientific information that comes tumbling down from the higher octaves. And at one point as I was meditating on these areas, there was so much information coming, that I determined to direct my attention away from it because I realized that the world was not ready for that teaching; there was far too much power in the understanding of the universe. And there it is, very plainly and very simply there, for anyone who can make the attunement. ” If you want to see beautiful photos of sacred geometry in nature and beyond, visit his site-
Back to Quantum Agriculture … here we know culture, nature and deep science are intertwined. The heart’s sacred geometry is in every aspect of nature and the cosmos. The heart is where true transformation begins: The Heart of the Revolution is the Revolution of the Heart. If this is true then we can approach agriculture through the heart, which is also more intelligent than the head brain. From the heart we can intuit various ways to help agriculture and heal the earth. Many approaches to do these and that are “quantum” have already been found, and many are already practiced since the beginning of time.
A new wave of change is here. This wave permeates all aspects of human and earth existence. On the other hand, new knowledge is being revealed and new tools are being developed to answer current challenges: illnesses, pests and diseases, climate changes, calamities, etc. Approaches have been 2-pronged: one hangs on to the old mechanistic reductionist model, the other explores what is beyond that, as well as the fundamental role of human beings in addressing all these challenges in a synthesis way. Einstein’s premise is that we cannot find solution to our problems with approaches that come from the same framework that created the problem in the first place. These solutions must be coming from outside the box. And that outside the box space has been there all along, among ancient practices and teachings, and is now confirmed by the new science of “quantum”.
“…Siegel buzzes around the globe and deep into the hive… Honey has never looked so delicious. Or so precious.”
- Jeannette Catsoulis, The New York Times, Critic’s Pick
-New York Daily News
- The New York Post