Further to the issue of scientific validity and what is Science, here is a website link and an article that came to me and which adds more points for those who believe and work on the new science.
Another find that gives us a comprehensive presentation of the new science is Spirit Science
It contains videos of various topics and the comprehensive one so far may be viewed here .
Societal Threefolding, Presencing… these are tools or techniques to achieve quantum leap or do quantum change. Sustainable societal change must be animated by a critical mass of enlightened committed citizens. That is the basis of the Liwanag World Festival that happened last 29th Jan to 2nd Feb 2013, in Davao City, which is part of the island of Mindanao. The festival aimed to let the special light from the Philippines and other parts of the globe be seen by the whole world… light from the Philippines, being collectively lit by imaginals or individuals who have a vision of the future and are connected to their special life task (purpose) and are doing strategic projects in society. MISSION of Imaginals is spearheading events like the Liwanag. To get a glimpse of the event one may visit the website of Liwanag, or view some photos of the Liwanag event which I put together for sharing and memory aid. Select individuals who live in, or have at one point lived in Mt Makiling (or are doing something elsewhere but are connected to Mt Makiling initiatives), have been presented at the Festival through an exhibit. Special feature is on the visionary (Flor Pablo) who is in touch with spiritual teachers or guardians; her mission is described in a set of slides. In the same event I also described my own “quantum” initiative.
Here are some videos to give one an idea about the Liwanag event.
For learning about quantum agriculture intuitively or the usual way, there exist many helpful videos, lectures, articles and the like. What I present here are some short and simple ones, or are highly inspiring ones that would connect us to the greater whole, to the cosmos, the universe, and even (or especially) God… to our Home. We are a holon and learning about a small part would actually already reveal the greater part. We are grateful to have now rich materials for knowing and what is left is the greater challenge of applying and doing. More will be posted later…
Lecture series by Yervant Terzian at Cornell University…
… a discussion of “why is there a universe? Why is there something rather than nothing?” and how humans think about their place in it.
… a three parts video in the Cosmology and the Anthropic Principle series.
The documentary chronicles the present day state of the Earth, its climate and how we as the dominant species have long-term repercussions on its future. A theme expressed throughout the documentary is that of linkage—how all organisms and the Earth are linked in a “delicate but crucial” natural balance with each other, and how no organism can be self-sufficient.
The first 15 minutes include footage of the beginning of the natural world, starting with single-celled algae developing at the edges of volcanic springs. By showing algae’s essential role in the evolution of photosynthesis, it also explores the innumerable species of plants which all have their origins in this one-celled life form.
In the rest of the first hour of the film, the documentary takes on a more human-oriented focus, showing the agricultural revolution and its impacts, before moving on to talk about the harnessing of oil, leading to fire, industry, cities and inequality gaps like never before. It portrays the current predicament regarding cattle ranches, deforestation, food and water shortages, the use of non-renewable “fossil water”, the over-quarrying crisis and the shortage of energy, namely electricity. Cities such as New York City, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Shenzhen, Mumbai, Tokyo and Dubai are used as examples of the mismanagement and waste of energy, water and food. The recession of marshlands and glaciers are shown in vast aerial shots of Antarctica, The North Pole and Africa, while mass emigration and refugee counts are shown currently and forecast in the event that these events remains unchanged.
It is at this point that the film begins to focus on global warming and the carbon crisis. Home shows how melting glaciers, rising sea levels and changing weather patterns are ravaging the people who have least to do with climate change, but also how it soon will affect rich populous areas.
Here, about three minutes of film is given to displaying harsh facts in large white text on a black background followed by a video representation of the fact. This is followed by a positive conclusion. The documentary claims to show the “awful truths” regarding our impact on the Earth, but also what we are now doing to combat and reverse it, including: renewable energy, the creation of more and more national parks, international co-operation between various nations on environmental issues and the extra education and reform being had across the globe in response to the current problems facing the earth. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_(2009_film)
Human creativity is endless… and it is up to us how to use it. Many solutions to our personal and global problems have been tried. It seems however that we are yet to make these solutions be really sustainable as well as effect a quantum leap! Synthetic Biology is already here. Humans can create organisms that before we thought only God can make. Watch this video. Amazing but true.
But there are also other approaches that we may pursue. In the field of chemistry, there is Green Chemistry, Biomimicry, Dissipative Structures and Self-organizing phenomena, etc. For example…
This creativity may also be brought into art, and later into practical use; into technology. Following video is refreshing… “Kinetic sculptor and artist Theo Jansen builds ‘strandbeests’ from yellow plastic tubing. The graceful creatures evolve over time as Theo adapts their designs to harness the wind more efficiently. They are powered only by the wind and even store some of the wind’s energy in plastic bottle ‘stomachs’ to be used when there is no wind.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSKyHmjyrkA
Students’ Exploration on “Quantum Agriculture” on Radio, and my Exploration on “Pseudoscience”
Let me share with you what transpired here at UPLB last March 21, 2012. Development Communication students set up a panel discussion in their radio program “Do you AGRI?”. The panelists were myself (considered agriculture scientist and promoting Quantum Agriculture), a Physics professor, and two undergraduate students pursuing fields in Agribiotech and Applied Physics. The proceedings may be read here.
Students are asking … what is this “Quantum Agriculture” organism that people in campus are talking about? Some gladly receive it, while others seem perplexed, if not disturbed, and a number say that it is “PseudoScience” or not True Science (“suds” or science ?). It is indeed healthy to be skeptical because this attitude can be the beginning of deepening of one’s truth. I tend to be one, too, but can’t resist my inclination toward indigenous practices and knowledge systems. I am always intrigued with the science of “unexplained”, “amazing” or “out-of-the-box” practices and phenomena, especially in agriculture. Only later did I realize that these concepts and practices are labeled “pseudoscience” by some sectors or individuals. I feel confident, however, that the scientific explanations will continue to be revealed. Indeed, science is discovering new things that bring many of those in the list of pseudoscience their due “true science” status. In fact, many practices or concepts have already been taken off the list of Pseudoscience as scientific knowledge grew, and as scientists came to accept them. Thus, what would be more productive now is not to argue who or what is right but to try to understand that there is a more expanded definition of science, that science evolves and has a half-life, that it is not neutral, and that knowledge may be obtained through other processes. Read more here:
A new wave of change is here. This wave permeates all aspects of human and earth existence. On the other hand, new knowledge is being revealed and new tools are being developed to answer current challenges: illnesses, pests and diseases, climate changes, calamities, etc. Approaches have been 2-pronged: one hangs on to the old mechanistic reductionist model, the other explores what is beyond that, as well as the fundamental role of human beings in addressing all these challenges in a synthesis way. Einstein’s premise is that we cannot find solution to our problems with approaches that come from the same framework that created the problem in the first place. These solutions must be coming from outside the box. And that outside the box space has been there all along, among ancient practices and teachings, and is now confirmed by the new science of “quantum”.
“…Siegel buzzes around the globe and deep into the hive… Honey has never looked so delicious. Or so precious.”
- Jeannette Catsoulis, The New York Times, Critic’s Pick
-New York Daily News
- The New York Post