The many years of teaching, research-extension and advocating has led me to the conclusion that we need quantum solutions not only in Agriculture but also in the Environment and Consciousness, and in the other spheres of society (i.e, not only in the cultural sphere but also in the economic and political spheres). I was brought to commit to the practice of Agnihotra in 2007 after a super typhoon called Milenyo. I sensed that nature’s forces are becoming graver yet here we are acting like it is business as usual. I am sharing the newsletter (issues 1-9) on Agnihotra Philippines Forum to solidify the intention of spreading the practice. I initially posted them in my other sites:
The effect is amazing, the practice so simple. The practice has multi-level effect. I have been serving as distribution source of the pyramid and the needed consumables, including literature. Shipping in the country is easy. Coming up is the 10th issue.
I want so share too that Agnihotra is a partner practice of the Don Bosco Foundation for Sustainable Development Inc. which is primarily promoting and doing Biodynamics.
We try to separate the usual from the unconventional; the modern from the traditional. We say those old practices- the rituals, offerings, belief systems- are not scientific. Indigenous farming systems are quite rich in these practices. They have come down to us through inspiration, intuition, or simply via hand-me-down; Also by trial and error. We stripped them off from the mainstream agriculture practices, the so –called actual or direct practices. As we revitalize Organic Agriculture we slowly recognize their value. We see the farms thrive, and observe the difference in glow between a highly chemical farm or garden and an organic one. As farmers go deeper into organic something opens in them and they become more intuitive.
Because of our conditioning and training we tend to follow the mainstream which is chemical-based and reductionist. Thus the more unconventional or organic initiatives are more prevalent among those with non-agriculture background than the trained or certified agriculturists. While some enthusiasts do organic after deliberate study and training, others do it through intuition or gut feeling. How knowledge on practices is obtained is a very interesting subject worth a separate writing. The explosion of brain science or consciousness science makes us realize the power of the mind, consciousness, intention, prayers, meditation, or thought in crop and animal agriculture. Browse the slides here: Power of Prayer in Plants and Seeds
Suffice to say that people can indeed tap the secrets of the universe given the right make-up and process. One person I like to cite is Walter Russell. He is referred to as the man who tapped the secrets of the universe.
We all have the opportunity to do the tapping of the universe on a daily basis, but others do it more strongly or on a more sustained basis. They have bursts of “aha moments” that make them great inventors, mathematicians, physicists or discoverers. Deliberate tapping may be exemplified by shamanism and other modalities where certain practices (such as rituals) are done and the person becomes more open to the truths of nature.
Intuitive farming may be said to be one of the practices under Quantum Agriculture. Dr. Henk Kieft gave his classification of quantum agriculture in an article “Quantum agriculture: bridging frontline physics and intuitive knowledge of nature?”. The paper may be read here:
Discussions referring to or about Intuitive farming abound in the internet; the following are some of my finds- with prominence of Findhorn and Perelandra gardens: Shamanism… the cosmic serpent : DNA and the and the origins of knowledge Q&A with Jeremy. The following also contains such interview and some video interviews of Jeremy: Narby by Todd Stewart: Videos and Summary of Narby’s book: Research indicates that shamans access an intelligence, which they say is nature’s, and which gives them information that has stunning correspondences with molecular biology…. Your hypothesis of a hidden intelligence contained within the DNA of all living things is interesting. What is this intelligence?… Intelligence comes from the Latin inter-legere, to choose between. There seems to be a capacity to make choices operating inside each cell in our body, down to the level of individual proteins and enzymes. DNA itself is a kind of “text” that functions through a coding system called “genetic code,” which is strikingly similar to codes used by human beings. Some enzymes edit the RNA transcript of the DNA text and add new letters to it; any error made during this editing can be fatal to the entire organism; so these enzymes are consistently making the right choices; if they don’t, something often goes wrong leading to cancer and other diseases. Cells send one another signals, in the form of proteins and molecules. These signals mean: divide, or don’t divide, move, or don’t move, kill yourself, or stay alive. Any one cell is listening to hundreds of signals at the same time, and has to integrate them and decide what to do. How this intelligence operates is the question. … DNA has essentially maintained its structure for 3.5 billion years. What role does DNA play in our evolution?… DNA is a single molecule with a double helix structure; it is two complementary versions of the same “text” wrapped around each other; this allows it to unwind and make copies of itself: twins! This twinning mechanism is at the heart of life since it began. Without it, one cell could not become two, and life would not exist. And, from one generation to the next, the DNA text can also be modified, so it allows both constancy and transformation. This means that beings can be the same and not the same. One of the mysteries is what drives the changes in the DNA text in evolution. DNA has apparently been around for billions of years in its current form in virtually all forms of life. The old theory—random accumulation of errors combined with natural selection—does not fully explain the data currently generated by genome sequencing. The question is wide open…. The structure of DNA as we know it is made up of letters and thus has a specific text and language. You could say our bodies are made up of language, yet we assume that speech arises from the mind. How do we access this hidden language?… By studying it. There are several roads to knowledge, including science and shamanism… The symbol of the Cosmic Serpent, the snake, is a central theme in your story, and in your research you discover that the snake forms a major part of the symbology across most of the world’s traditions and religions. Why is there such a consistent system of natural symbols in the world? Is the world inherently symbolic?… This is the observation that led me to investigate the cosmic serpent. I found the symbol in shamanism all over the world. Why? That’s a good question. My hypothesis is that it is connected to the double helix of DNA inside virtually all living beings. And DNA itself is a symbolic Saussurian code. So, yes, in at least one important way, the living world is inherently symbolic. We are made of living language.
Some books and readings that helped me through in the quest for the science of the “non-material” or “quantum” practices in agriculture are the following:
When you are cast with doubt, just be open and consider that we have barely scratched the surface of truth about the world. Commit to study and knowledge shall be added un to you…
Dance has an effect on the viewer and the watcher. But what about on plants? This is a question that many don’t think much about… Rituals with dances during different stages of crop growth are being performed by a community of people or by special members such as shamans and other spirit-filled people. I had a brief taste of eurythmy (“visible” speech; and inner dance and they haunt me to tell their story in relation to plants. They are not just movements to heal people. They can be also an impulse to express into art. Johnny Danganan has brought his Inner Dance (as found by Pi Villaraza- ; into some kind of quantum touch and healing, and ART ( ). These dances may be used to change the atmosphere’s vibration and life giving forces and thus affect crop and seedling growth. My work is on seeds but my exploration on the subject, the link on dance and seed is still at stage 1 (curiosity and reflection). Yet I gather initial evidence and testimony from friends- that seed germination and vigor, seedling and plant growth form respond to different “letters” when delivered as movement or dance form. Like sound or words and music, movement also affects the atmosphere and other aspects of nature entangled with it. We shall explore this farther… for now I believe that inner meditative dance and movement are very much a way to connect to the source, through a very strong cosmic antenna, the human body in which the spirit resides. For the Cebuanos, the effect of Sinulog dance ( ; ; ) on plants would be intriguing to know…
We have heard countless stories from local folks, maybe even from our own parents and grandparents, that plants respond to music or sound. Some of you might have experienced this yourself. There are videos that show this. One early work that I had watched is The Secret Life of Plants
How do plants respond to music, sound frequencies or harmonic sound waves
The Effects of Variable Sound Frequencies on Plant Growth and Development
Experiments from India shows increase in yield of Rice
Vedic music from India to Harmonize the Environment and increase Rice Yields
French Physicist discovered music, plant and protein biosynthesis relation
They are of great interest to one who wants to further improve crop performance, or who simply wants know if indeed there is a science to talking or singing/playing music to plants. Some researchers or enthusiasts have recorded the sound that plants make and are intrigued by this phenomenon (for example-
Sound from the plant and sound to the plant… that is resonance at play. Then there is this other interesting phenomenon… the effect of sound of animals like birds, insects and frogs on plant physiology. Gadgets like the sonic bloom are being offered to enhance the effect ( Quantumizing agriculture thus includes utilizing sound and promoting biodiversity so plants (and animals) grow better.
In the Philippines I have been recently introduced to John Lesaca ( ). He is a violinist who uses classical music to stimulate the growth of his organic veggies on his farm in Malvar, Batangas. He uses music to enhance the growth not only of his veggies but also of his free range chicken in his commercial farm.
I would like to share with the you a set of slides that I used in my presentation in the Seed Summit sponsored by the Bureau of Plant Industry and the Philippine Seed Industry Association last March 27, 2012. (download it here) My topic was about Organic Seed Production. Many players in the seed industry are curious what really are the criteria for organic seed, and why this is important in organic crop production.
The answer to the why question can be made easier and comprehensible if the discussion is brought to quantum level, or to the realm of subtle energies and forces. The seed, although quite far back in the total production process, would be the one to bring holistic change to the entire system. The question is, would knowing the value and science behind organic seed be enough for the key players to embrace organic? What should be the drivers of change? What would be needed so that the intention and will become action?
Please send in your comments and suggestions, to help nourish the seedling of transformation that has been planted in the hearts of people asking for change. Thank you.
A new wave of change is here. This wave permeates all aspects of human and earth existence. On the other hand, new knowledge is being revealed and new tools are being developed to answer current challenges: illnesses, pests and diseases, climate changes, calamities, etc. Approaches have been 2-pronged: one hangs on to the old mechanistic reductionist model, the other explores what is beyond that, as well as the fundamental role of human beings in addressing all these challenges in a synthesis way. Einstein’s premise is that we cannot find solution to our problems with approaches that come from the same framework that created the problem in the first place. These solutions must be coming from outside the box. And that outside the box space has been there all along, among ancient practices and teachings, and is now confirmed by the new science of “quantum”.
“…Siegel buzzes around the globe and deep into the hive… Honey has never looked so delicious. Or so precious.”
- Jeannette Catsoulis, The New York Times, Critic’s Pick
-New York Daily News
- The New York Post