Living Systems in Evolution
- August 8th, 2011
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By lifting a few constraints upon our Western scientific world-view, we can expand it to include the larger cosmo-vision traditionally relegated to religions. A keyboard metaphor for reality is proposed, with matter as the low keys, electromagnetic energy up to zero point energy (ZPE) as mid-range keys and undifferentiated cosmic consciousness in the high keys. Scientists, who have taken over from priesthoods to tell us ‘how things are’ are urged to recognize the one alive, intelligent universe in which spirit and matter are not separable and in which creation is continuous. Religious leaders are urged to recognize the importance of the uniqueness in each religion’s story, as well as in that of science, and the fundamental unity of All That Is. Only true communion with each other can lead us to a common understanding that we are co-creators at the leading edge of evolution, and to a common ethic that will bring renewed health to our species and others. Read more